Statement of Beliefs

Douglas Cho’s Christian beliefs can be summarized as follows:

  1. Jesus, the Son of God, came to this world as a human being, through the body of a Jewish virgin named Mary, a descendant of King David. He was both 100% human in the sense He was born of a woman and 100% God because He is God the Son. He participated in the creation of heaven and earth together with God the Father and God the Spirit.

  2. Jesus lived to teach His disciples and the Jewish nation the truth of God and died on Calvary’s cross after unjust trial and condemnation by the Jewish leaders and the Roman colonial power of the time. On the third day from His death, however, He resurrected in a resurrected body, taught His disciples for 40 days, after which He ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God the Father interceding for His people.

  3. Sinners can be saved by accepting the gospel of Christ in faith, confessing that Jesus Christ lived, died for us, rose up and is now in heaven. Sinners can be born again spiritually as God’s children, thus being converted from the darkness of sinful past into the marvelous light and hope in Christ, looking forward to eternity with God, Christ and His people. Salvation is given by grace of God and is never a reward of good works. However, Christians should endeavor to do good works in return for God’s grace and love to express their love of God and lover of their neighbors.

  4. Jesus left two memorials for Christians to keep as His church and believers: baptism by immersion, which should be given to professing souls as much as feasible, and holy communion, which is a memorial for the broken body and shed blood of Christ. Worship of statutes of Mary and so-called saints is not Scriptural and violates God’s commandment not to make any images of His creation for worship including humans. Believers who have received baptisms in other denominations, however, should not be barred from spiritual participation for reasons of other forms of baptism if such baptisms were held in full confession of faith and sincerity. Re-baptisms, when so desired by believers, however, can be held to reaffirm their commitment and spiritual rebirth.

  5. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. No one can come to God except through Jesus. The so-called ecumenical movement, which embraces other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and even sorcery, is totally against God’s will and will only bring God’s wrath on its leaders and followers. Although Christians should share God’s love with the rest of the world, the gospel of Christ is the only way of salvation to the humanity.

  6. Christians ought to meet with other Christians and be spiritually nourished and led by a godly pastor who has received a definite call of God to His ministry. God’s servants must lead exemplary, holy and godly life, and preach the word of God for free of charge because Christ gave His word freely. Tithing is an Old Testament custom to maintain the temple and the priesthood and was never taught or practiced by New Testament apostles. Taking up collections for the purpose of meeting a church’s financial needs should be within reason and based on the congregation’s full understanding and consent.

  7. A church is not a building but is a group of holy, dedicated Christians united in love and faith. A church building is not a must for any congregation and churches can meet in homes, public buildings, and schools as well as in dedicated church buildings. However, a church must not lay a heavy financial burden on its members for reasons such as constructing a building or conducting excessive good works programs. Jesus taught, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light [Matt 11: 30].”

  8. Church worship services and other congregational gatherings must be holy and reverent. All contemporary musical and theatrical means that disrupt the Spirit’s presence and reverent worship of Almighty God of heaven and earth must be excluded from church services and gatherings. Creative ways of accommodating the congregation’s participation in the worship proceedings, however, should be encouraged and sought so long as they are for spiritual edification and godly worship.

  9. King James Version Bible is the favored version of God’s word that has been preserved until now. God’s power of preserving His word has kept the King Jams Version, which is based on the majority text, Textus Receptus, until today, while numerous modern versions, most of which are based on a few corrupted texts, contain differing levels of corruption of doctrinal deviations and modern thinking. However, for improved readability in modern English, especially for the young generations and non-native English speakers, the New King James Version (NKJV) can be useful.

  10. Israel, the Jewish nation born in 1947 after some 2,000 years of the Jews’ diaspora, is a fulfillment of an important prophesy of Jesus concerning the end times. Although we do not know the year or date of His second coming, we know the believers, both dead and alive, will be taken up to be with Christ in mid air to enter the Lamb’s wedding before the final seven year period of tribulation begins and that the end times are drawing close. The need to ‘watch and pray’ is greater than ever. When the Messiah comes back with His chosen people after the wedding ceremony in heaven, He will conquer the enemies and establish His reign here on the earth as the King of kings and Lord of lords over the entire world and thus rule for 1,000 years after a period of great woe and tribulation for the evil and unbelievers.